
local authority referral process

The school receives consultation documents from the local authority. The school then considers if they are able to successfully meet the needs of the individual pupil.

if the school feels that they are able to meet the needs, a visit to the childs home or school will be arranged.  the school will then respond to the consultation documents, confirming need can/cannot be met.

where the needs can be met, the school will put together costs, requirments and a possible start date.

the local authority will take this offer to the independent placement panel where a decision will be made that they can fund this placement.

where placement is agreed the school will keep in contact with the parents/carers and a transition plan will be made.

parent refferal

We’re currently more than happy to take referrals directly from parents and carers who are looking to find the right setting for their child or young person.

Parents and Carers are advised to talk first with the SENCO at their child’s current place of education. The SENCO (along with the parent/carer) can then refer to the Local Authority admission placement process where decisions for referral will be made.

For admission, children and young people:

•          Will be aged between 7 and 16 years old.

•          Will be referred by their local authority (most likely Kent or Medway)

•          Will have an education, health and care plan in place.

•          We welcome children who may have:

•          A diagnosis of an autistic spectrum condition.

•          social, emotional, mental health needs

•          specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia

•          We aim to help children who will benefit from the school’s therapeutic and relational approach to education and learning.

If you’d like to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would be happy to discuss your child’s needs and welcome you to the school for an informal chat