about us


Our tailored provision supports the school motto of “INSPIRING DREAMS, BUILDING BRIGHT FUTURES TOGETHER” by giving pupils the opportunity to learn and develop in a supportive and creative environment. We recognise and celebrate achievement, supporting a pupil’s emotional needs so that they feel safe and happy.  Within this context, Kings Park School offers a curriculum that is wide ranging, fun and enriching for pupils. Through this we encourage engagement, so pupils are ready to learn whilst supporting them step by step towards their academic outcomes.

We will work tirelessly to ensure that every child has the very best opportunities, to progress in not only their learning but also their emotional development. We invest in the best resources to enhance the school’s learning environment and ensure that staff receive a high level of training. In doing this we guarantee that we are more able to help a child succeed in both school and life.

We work with parents and carers, ensuring they feel listened to and supported. We believe that building positive relationships with the adults around them is key to the success of our pupils and are passionate in helping our families to succeed throughout their Kings Park School journey.

our ethos

Kings Park School is committed to raising achievement and enabling all pupils to recognise and fulfil their potential. We support them through a personalised, engaging and relevant curriculum, helping them to build confidence. We will address a range of complex barriers to learning including conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, pathological defiance disorder and a range of autistic spectrum disorders.

Our long-term priorities are to develop and improve the core knowledge and skills required to make a manageable and successful transition to work, college and adult life.

we aim to achieve high quality outcomes for our pupils by:

  • Reducing/removing their barriers to learning. 
  • Developing their ability to communicate and interact with others in more expected ways. 
  • Developing their ability to be flexible and adapt to change. 
  • Encouraging them to positively manage their behaviours and difficulties. 
  • Focusing on well-being by supporting our pupils to understand their own feelings and emotions and provide them with a range of strategies to cope with the daily activities of life. 
  • Developing their self-esteem, independence and ability to have positive and constructive relationships with others. 
  • Providing a fun, broad, enriched and meaningful curriculum that meets each of their needs and ensures an appropriate balance between challenge and support. 
  • Keeping them safe and protecting their welfare, and through the broader curriculum developing their ability to keep themselves safe. 

Dear Parents, Carers, and Members of Our School Community,

As Chair of Directors at Kings Park School, I am delighted to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all students, families, staff, and visitors.

Our school is a place where everyone is valued, supported, and encouraged to thrive. We are committed to providing a supportive and creative environment where all students, regardless of their challenges, can reach their full potential.  We will celebrate achievements and support students’ emotional needs so that they feel safe and happy. 

As governors it is our role to help and ensure the school fulfils these aims operating in accordance with our school motto 


Our goals are to ensure we deliver a school that delivers high quality education, delivered in an environment and manner aligned with the specific requirements of our students. Close and collaborative working with our Headteacher and staff will create and setting where best practice is promoted, and excellence is sort in every facet.   In addition to challenging the leadership and staff to achieve these key aims our role also includes;

  • set the strategic directions of the school
  • continually review and develop our delivery of education
  • ensure a robust management structure with strong succession planning and quality staffing is in place.
  • ensure financial prudence with efficient spending undertaken
  • support, appraise and hold the senior leadership to account
  • ensure excellence in all aspects of our educational provision
  • maintaining the highest levels of safeguarding
  • monitoring the physical and emotional well-being of pupils and staff

We thank you for your support in helping us provide a wonderful environment for our pupils. Our school community extends further than students and teachers.  It reaches into the family, support structures and the community who all have an integral part of school life and we thank you for your support. We strive to improve, and your feedback is invaluable to this process so please do not hesitate to contact me with any thoughts.

We look forward to a productive and fulfilling academic careers for all our students and positive interactions with all our stakeholders.

Warm regards,

Amy Saunders

KPS Chair


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